Making waves
Nirvana Spa’s charitable work in 2017
With a high profile for wellbeing and health in an area of great privilege, we feel a profound responsibility to come together and use our collective skills and enthusiasm for charitable projects in the area. We are naturally a source of funding for many local charities and receive up to a thousand requests every year.
Whilst it’s difficult to choose which charities to support, our focus has been on local charities, in areas where we can make a significant impact with our financial support. Nirvana Spa, has been an enthusiastic supporter of WADE and the Wokingham Hospital for many years, investing considerable time and energy into their work helping the community.
The Alexander Devine Children’s Hospice.
Working together
With the resources and skills that we have as a team and with our reputation for getting things done, we feel that our charitable contributions should concentrate on larger projects, where we can also have a practical impact.
In particular, the Alexander Devine Children’s Hospice was a venture, which instantly struck a chord with the Barley Family, owners of Nirvana Spa. Over the last four years, the charity has become a real focus with substantial monthly contributions. Nirvana Spa’s support, which will continue for the foreseeable future, has helped the charity overcome considerable hurdles to build the first children’s hospice in the area.
The Hospice will provide much needed respite, palliative and end-of-life care for children and a place of refuge for families on a painful journey. With the aim of helping families create wonderful memories, where every child is precious and cherished, the Hospice will be a place of sanctuary. Beautiful facilities will include hydrotherapy and a swimming pool, a music room and a sensory room.
Helping hands
In addition to substantial financial support, Nirvana Spa has been on hand with specialist advice during the construction of the pool facilities and committed its maintenance team to the management and upkeep of the pool on an ongoing basis. Staff will also continue to come together to raise funds for this very worthy cause long into the future.
The Alexander Devine Children’s Hospice invited John Barley to become a Patron, earlier this year, he was both honoured and touched. In this charity, he had found a project that really appealed to his Nirvana values and sense of social conscience.
We can also encourage our members and friends to get involved with us and help to make fundraising events successful.
We would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who has donated in support of this amazing charity and hope that you will continue your support into 2018 and as we follow the charity beyond its proposed opening.
Sensory room at the new Alexander Devine Children’s Hospice.
Pool at the hospice